Christmas Kindles

A fascinating Google Trends chart (for the USA) showing the Christmas spike: iPad and Kindle were clearly the devices people were looking for, with generic ‘tablet’ a long way behind.
It is interesting that the Fire, despite being half t…

A fascinating Google Trends chart (for the USA) showing the Christmas spike: iPad and Kindle were clearly the devices people were looking for, with generic ‘tablet’ a long way behind.

It is interesting that the Fire, despite being half the price of the iPad, appears to have been getting much less interest. Indeed the B&N Nook is not all that far behind the Kindle Fire, despite an avalanche of hype. 

Now, why does the search volume only go up on Christmas day? That precludes purchasing. Is all the traffic driven by people getting a new device and saying ‘now what can I do with this?’ 

Benedict Evans