The VR winter

This should be VR’s moment, but instead it’s still stuck as a subset of games consoles, and that isn’t why Mark Zuckerberg bought Oculus. How will that change? Do we get another VR winter?

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How to lose a monopoly

Microsoft and IBM used to dominate tech - today they’re still big companies, but no-one is scared of them anymore. That wasn’t because of anti-trust. Rather, the products that used to give them dominance stopped mattering. We still use Windows, and mainframes, but they’re not the centre of tech anymore.

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PolicyBenedict Evans
New Productivity

There's a wave of companies trying to find new ways to make software for work, building bundles of workflows and networks that capture the spreadsheets, emails and phone calls of some industry or profession and turn them into structure, automation and time.

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ProductivityBenedict Evans