Posts in AR & VR
The VR winter continues

Meta has spent at least $50bn on VR and AR so far, but we’re still in the VR winter: the devices aren’t good enough or cheap enough and the user base is flat. But no matter how good the devices get, how many people will care?

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Metaverse! Metaverse? Metaverse!!

‘Metaverse’ is the buzzword of the moment, yet it doesn’t really exist as more than a label on a whiteboard, and many of the ideas it tries to combine might not happen, or not like that. This might be the new ‘information highway.’ But however it works, some kind of break-out of new devices, new experiences and new kinds of popular culture seems pretty easy to believe in.

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AR & VRBenedict Evans
The VR winter

This should be VR’s moment, but instead it’s still stuck as a subset of games consoles, and that isn’t why Mark Zuckerberg bought Oculus. How will that change? Do we get another VR winter?

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The VR idea maze

You can divide the world into people who think VR is part of the future and people who haven't had the demo yet. After that, though, the clarity ends - the state of VR now can be seen more than anything else as a list of questions - an 'idea maze' of possibilities. 

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AR & VRBenedict Evans